Teletalk Balance Check: Internet, Minutes, SMS Code 2023

Teletalk is the only Government-owned GSM, 3G, LTE-based cellphone operator company in Bangladesh since 2004. Millions of mobile operators (approximately 5.532 million) use this company’s service because all the job applications are done through Teletalk Sim. Special Sim cards & offers are also available for Students and Women.

But in the meantime customer don’t take this service as first priority.  Don’t you know or you’ve forgotten how to check minute Balance in TELETALK? Friends of Teletalk from now it doesn’t matter cause I’m giving you clear knowledge about all the USSD of Teletalk.

Teletalk Balance Check Code
Teletalk Balance Check Code and How to Check Teletalk Account Balance, Internet, Minutes & SMS by USSD

How to Check Accounts Balance in Teletalk: Dail *152#

Checking mobile Balances in Teletalk is very simple & easy. Bangladeshi people who have little knowledge about phones; can easily know what’s the number in their account. Then what’s the process or how to see Teletalk balance?

You have to dial 3 digit number code on your cellphone and boom is happening. After dialing that code your current balance will show on your phones phone’s screen. The code is *152#  which is the key to seeing the current balance of the Teletalk sim.

Users dials this code & they can able to see entire account balances like SMS or MMS etc. More you can read How to Check Balance in Airtel, GP, Robi, Teletalk, and Banglalink in Bangladesh.

It’s very facile Though one-third of its users don’t know how to check the balance in Teletalk and have no idea how to check their own number. This tiny bit of information is helpful in our daily life as we live in the modern era of civilization where mobile users are in a large number. We separate this article into some parts. Here we will explicitly discuss Teletalk minute, SMS, internet, and MMS bundle check Code. 

Teletalk Balance Check Code 2022

Don’t you know the proper code for checking balance? We’re going to tell you the exact code for seeing balance on a mobile phone display. We think it’s our moral duty or responsibility to show you the proper code to check balance.

The code of checking balance in Teletalk is *152#

In order to check your Teletalk balance, you have to type *152# on your dial pad and dial this code. When you guys dial this 3 digit code your total account balance will be shown on your cellphone’s screen with the validity date.

Teletalk Minutes Balance Check Code 2022

Teletalk is very popular among its regular minute user for its minute bundle packages. We can get at a very cheap price if we compare its packages to other telecom operators.

Do you know how to check minutes in Teletalk?

The method of checking the Teletalk minute bundle is very simple. Everyone can check their own minute bundle package by dialing a code. Bonus balance minute pack have different code but the exact method for checking minutes bundles balance is only one.

For minutes check you have to simply dial  *152# or type ‘U’ send it to 111.

Teletalk Internet Balance Checking Code 2022

Compare to other mobile operator Teletalk has some packages specially for student and women and sim cards to like Bornomala, Agami, oporajita etc. For these internet users are ireasing day by day.

Balance check code alters according to your internet volume type. If you purchase a special internet package balance or bundles offer then the code is different from the code of Bonus internet offer. How to check internet balance in teletalk?

If you’re searching for the code of Teletalk MB balance check for then you can get it from here.

The code for Teletalk Internet Package is *152#

Teletalk SMS/MMS balance check Code 2022

There are so many different kinds of SMS packages in Teletlak which are very cheap.Do you know how to check SMS balance?

There are so many options are available for taking its SMS bundle. You can get those codes to buy it by visiting the official website of Teletalk.

Now we are going to enlighten you the dialing code for  SMS check balance.

Simply you need to press *152#
Or Type “Tar” & send it to 222.
By pressing *152# we can get our MMS balance.

Teletalk Number Check: Own Sim Card Dial *551#

People in Bangladesh generally use two or more sim cards. For this sometimes they facing problem to memorize their sim cards number. Most of the time they can’t and don’t understand what to do to know his/her numbers.

How to check Teletalk sim cards number?

It’s very easy. Type *2# or *551# to see your Teletalk numbers.

How to check the FNF number in Teletalk

Teletalk offers us the cheapest call in the town. Regular users who know about the call rate loves get the service for this opertor and they don’t switch to other operator. Teletalk FNF System is a bonus for the users; it was like buying a regular con with free cheery at the top.  we showinng you the full and most effective methods of FNF.

How to Check FNF in Teletalk?

First, you have to go to your cellphones message option & then you type “see” (space) the number you want to check. And, send it to 363 number.

Example: Write see and send to 363.

Add an FnF Number in TeleTalk:

For this you have to go to mobile message option and Type “Add 0155XXXXXXX” and Send SMS to 363.

For example, suppose your father’s number is 01551000001 and you want to FnF it. So Go to Messages and Type “Add 01556000001” and send SMS to 363.

Delete an FnF number in Teletalk

For this Go to messages options and Type “del 0155XXXXXXX” and Send SMS it to 363.

For example, you want to delete 01551000007 for FnF. Go to the messages option and type “del 01551000007 and send it to 363.

Teletalk Oporajita/Bornomala/Agami balance check: *152#

All these are special Sim cards for special people in our society like Oporajita is especially women and both Bornomala & Agami are for students of this country. There are various kinds of offers for are available. We have to choose the best package for us and subscribe ourselves to those offers. But,

Do you know how to see Teletalk balances in Oporajita/Bornomala/Agami?

Chill there’s no different code is exist.  It’s similar to other Teletalk Numbers.

In order to do that you have to dial the code *152#

Teletalk Emergency Balance check code

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited offers us emergency balance service. To get that service first  we have to

Dial *1122# or we can send message like type ‘loan” and send it to 1122.

Teletalk Customer care service: Dial 121

Teletalk is very aware of how to give the service to their network. Users of mobile who use teletalk sim card if they are facing any problem they are very helpful and try to solve it as soon as possible with their customer care service. There are a large number of catalogs for internet offer lists, monthly pack, IMO users, pack volume and validity, price, online activation options, etc. And, can have some issues in prepaid or postpaid balance checks. Like other mobile network operators, Teletalk mobile operators are very user concerned. They have a 24-hour helpline option.

To get the service we have to dial “121” from your Teletalk mobile.

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